Baylor Crew is the collegiate rowing team of Baylor University.

Although not affiliated with the NCAA, our co-ed club competes in regattas against colleges across the country.



The majority of our members had never rowed before joining Baylor Crew. Our coaches are qualified and more than happy to teach you not only the basics, but also how to excel alongside stiff competition.

Rowing requires long hours of practice and training while maintaining academic excellence. Baylor Crew embodies the time-honored tradition of the collegiate athlete as both a sportsman and scholar. We pride ourselves in mastering this challenging sport that demands dedication, focus, and teamwork.

It’s not all hard labor and early hours, however. Baylor Crew strives to create a fun, uplifting community, both at practice and outside of workouts. Social events are offered throughout the semester, including pre-regatta pasta parties, Crew Semi-Formal, and Crew-B-Q. The relationships formed through Crew reach beyond the sport. The teammates you lose, win, and sweat with often become some of your closest friends at Baylor.

Like us on our new Facebook page at “Baylor Crew” and follow us on Instagram here @BUCrew!


The Baylor Boathouse

The Baylor Boathouse is located on the banks of the Brazos River on the Baylor University campus in Waco, Texas between the Ferrell Center and Baylor Ballpark.

This boathouse is Baylor Crew’s first home and was built in 2000 with the generous support of the Butcher family.

Learn more about bringing your team to train on the Brazos by clicking below.


Officers & Chairs


Jordan Ferraro

​​Vice President

Ty Jones


Isa Alcazar


Karis Starnes

Risk Management

Julian Years

Boathouse Manager

Max Stewart

Recruitment Chair

Emilie Jones

Fundraising Chair

Claire Baker

Social Chair

​​​Bree Scott

Apparel Chair

Haley Smith

Intramural Chairs

Grace Rider
Reed Mathisen

Service Chair

Moose Gaulke


Elise Easton
Jonny Caruana

Regatta Chair

Mikey Kincaid

Internal Relations

Kian Nicoletti

External Relations

Alexa Burns

Coaches & Staff

Head Coach

Trason Thomas

Assistant Coaches

Austin Lau
Alexa Burns
Chrissy Pendleton
Elena Muir
Katie Boatwright
Kian Nicoletti
Max Stewart
William Rumscheidt

Faculty Advisors

Lauren Farish
Jon Handy

Head Coxswain

William Rumscheidt


Bree Scott
Claire Baker
Jordan Ferraro
Katie Boatwright
Molly Grant
Natasha Vaillant


Men’s Varsity

Austin Lau
Brandon Vowel
Colin Bryden
Daniel Arana
Diego Davila
Jonny Caruana
Julian Years
Kian Nicoletti
Max Stewart
Mikey Kincaid
Moose Gaulke
Nik Estrada
Reed Mathisen
Torrin Longenecker
Ty Jones

Women’s Varsity

Alexa Burns
Chrissy Pendleton
Elena Muir
Elise Easton
Emilie Jones
Evelyn Hilsman
Haley Smith
Isa Alcazar
Karis Starnes

Men’s Novice

Alex Rocque
Dane Dabboussi
Graham Medairy
Hewad Noor
Jacob Baarlaer
Jay Abbot
Kip Nguyen
Kjell Langesater
Matthew Golomb
Nate Yu
Noah McCaskill
Owen Janisse
Rutger Van Hees
Sam Marshall
Stephen Breig

Women’s Novice

Allie Robinson
Anna Pickering
Cassey Dillenbeck
Emma O’Prey
Grace Rider
Jordan Mueller
Julia Anderson
Kylie Jones
Lyla Wilde
Ruthanne Miller
Teagan Scheidler
Victoria Miller